A big lesson from my GrandFather

1 min readFeb 28, 2022


My grandfather had a deep desire to visit Tajmahal for a long time. At a young age, he could never visit Tajmahal. Always some issues came up like financial issues, family matters, and even health issues. But the desire was deep inside his heart and it kept growing. Now he is 75 and not in a good condition to travel. He can’t even walk continuously for 1 min. But he finally decided to visit Tajmahal. All of us were not sure about how he can manage this trip. There was even resistance from everyone. Finally, six of us decided to go. Once we reached Delhi, he was more active than all of us. Because his desire and will were strong enough to beat all the obstacles in from of him. This trip was an eye-opener for me and I have realized What Paulo Coelho meant when he said “when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it” is true.

Once desire is planted properly in your heart it will grow and give us the fruit

